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Reading in the files in a directory into an array, directory chosen by user

  1. #1
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    Reading in the files in a directory into an array, directory chosen by user


    I have some qty of excel files. All the files are the same except for the name. I need to open each file and copy the data. I will paste the data from each file into a single file.

    What i was wondering is does anyone have a good program to do the following:

    1) User selects a diretory
    2) After directory selected you populate the array with all the excel files in the directory

    any help would be appreaciated. thanks.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Reading in the files in a directory into an array, directory chosen by user

    Hello welchs101,

    Here is macro to allow the user to select a directory and return all ".xls" files in the folder. If no Excel files are found then a message is displayed indicating this and the macro quits.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Reading in the files in a directory into an array, directory chosen by user

    Hi Leith Ross,

    Nice! Works great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks alot!

    Few quick questions:

    1) To call this function do i have to create an array of type variant or can it be an array of type string?

    2) The entries in the array have the full "Path" as well as the actual file. How do i strip out just the file itself from the string..........if you know a quick fix please let me know. The stripping out the file name only can be done in a separate array if you want.

    Thanks again........your soln works great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
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    Re: Reading in the files in a directory into an array, directory chosen by user

    Just noticed that when i put this into my actual program.........i get an error. Apparently in my program i have at the top of the macro

    Option Base 1

    Apparently in this program your starting at "0" .....how to change your code so that it starts from "1"?

  5. #5
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    Re: Reading in the files in a directory into an array, directory chosen by user

    ok...i just added cnt=1 prior to the Do loop

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    and now it starts at 1.


  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Reading in the files in a directory into an array, directory chosen by user

    Hello Welchs101,

    The array passed back the function is a Variant that contains strings. If there are no files found then the return value will be "empty". The returned array is a 1-D array.

    Here is an example of listing the returned files in column "A" of the active sheet:
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