Dear Forum,
I have been using Defined Names created manually and have also learnt to create them with the help of VBA..
But, there are times when we need to also have Dependent Drop_Downs on the value of a another dropdown or cell value..
In my example file, I have 3 Main Lists
1. For the Account Holder
2. Name of the Bank - Bank A,Bank B, Bank C, Postal Investments, ..... etc
3 Investment Types - There would be 2 lists in this column dependent on the selection in the Name of the Bank...Bank Investments are Deposit_Types and the Postal Investments are called as Postal_Investments..
For all practical purposes, I have just defined them manually...
Now but I know them to defined them suing a Macro but do not know how to do the Dependency in that?
Ex: If I selct Postal Investment then I want the list for Postal Investments and if Bank A,B or C is selected then Deposit_Type list should come up..
Please find the attachment..
I have already got answers in my quest on defining Names using VBA..
I wnat to have the VBA code in such a way where the lIst is expandable too..
using the OFFET function for Dynamic List
Warm Regards