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Math - Percent based on dynamic factor

  1. #1
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    Oslo, Norway
    MS-Off Ver

    Math - Percent based on dynamic factor

    Hi guys,

    there is a competition to be held and I'm working on the excel sheet handling the scores. In this competition there could by any number of participating team from contestday to contestday. Number of teams registered is 10 so there would be no more, but not everyone might show up every day.

    Now, there is another variable, an input, which is the total amount of points avialable for that specific contest (0-100).

    I would very much like a formula that could calculate how many points should be granted each team, depending on the pool og avialable points, and participating teams (again, which might differ from time to time).

    Here is an example of points divided onto 10 participating teams:

    1 25 %
    2 18 %
    3 15 %
    4 11 %
    5 9 %
    6 8 %
    7 5 %
    8 4 %
    9 3 %
    10 2 %

    Let's say there are only 5 participating team 1 day, meaning that the points initially meant to 6-10 place (equaling 22, should exponentially be granted, logically, to the other places).

    Anyone able to help me out here? Is it even possible?

    In advance,



  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2010

    Re: Math - Percent based on dynamic factor

    It seems that what you are looking for is a case of sharing a quantity rather than allocating a percentage. A percentage of any given amount of points is always going to be the same no matter how many teams participate. 25% of 20 is always 5 etc. If you change your percentages for parts, 25; 18; 15 and so on then use the following formula:

    =points/sum of proportions*team proportion

    If 50 points were available and 5 teams take part then it would be:

    =50/77*25 for team 1 = 16.02564
    =50/77*18 for team 2 = 11.53846

    You have to variables to allocate: No of teams and Points available. There are some Excel functions that can do all this. If this is what you want then please ask any questions.

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