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Extract Capital Words

  1. #1
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    Talking Extract Capital Words


    So some people on this forum have been extremely helpful and have saved me hours upon hours with this project, I just need one more adjustment.

    I need to extract capitalized words from a string. Previously, I requested to extract all capital words EXCLUDING:
    -The first word
    -One which follows a period if the cell has >1 sentence
    -Specific words

    Now, I take it back and want to keep the first word. Is there a simple adjustment to the following code to accomplish this? Thank you.

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    Example: Excluding words following a period, and the word "Fox":

    A1: The quick brown Fox Jumps over the lazy dog. It was Very Neat.

    ideal outcome: The Jumps Very Neat

    Also: How about if we want to extract all excluding only specific words, but including all others whether they start a sentence or not?


  2. #2
    Forum Expert mrice's Avatar
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    Re: Extract Capital Words - My code needs an adjustment


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  3. #3
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    Re: Extract Capital Words - My code needs an adjustment

    Sorry, didn't quite do it.

    Example given:

    Excluding words following a period, and the word "Fox":

    A1: The quick brown Fox Jumps over the lazy dog. It was Very Neat.

    ideal outcome: The Jumps Very Neat

    This last code gives me: Jumps It Very Neat

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Extract Capital Words - My code needs an adjustment

    Hello agf12555,

    This UDF macro will extract the data according to your rules.
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    Leith Ross

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