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Need Help With Understanding Excel Program Command

  1. #1
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    Need Help With Understanding Excel Program Command

    Hello, all. I am new to this forum, as well as to Excel, itself, since I have never had a class on it, and live far from where any are taught; what little I do know has been from just trial and error, library books, and help from good people like you.

    Background: I am trying to sort of "reverse engineer" a spreadsheet that was written by an internet friend with whom I corresponded a few years back. It is a spreadsheet that is used to process data obtained from an EEG device (electroencephalograph). Brain waves are obtained from the scalp via electrodes, then changed into a text file which can then be import into an Excel spreadsheet for visual analysis. My friend wrote the spreadsheet, then e-mailed it to me, so I could use it; however, I would now like to modify it a little, adding on a couple of worksheets. It seems to be a task which would be fairly easy to do, even for an Excel-challenged rookie, like myself; however, there are a couple of command/programming lines which I don't understand, hence my posting this question.

    If someone would be so kind as to explain what each/all of the characters within the parentheses are for, I would appreciate it very much.
    I'm sure that I could do so, but it would probably take quite a while, and I was hoping that someone who was a whiz-bang Excel guru could save me a whole lot of time and trouble, by taking a few minutes to explain what each of the characters within the command string does. I have ordered a couple of books re. Excel from the local library, and they should be in, after a few days, hopefully. I did that, in case I couldn't get any clear response from someone on this site.

    Here's the line of programming that I would like to understand: =AVERAGE(INDIRECT(""&A2&"_Data!C"&start_window_6&":C"&end_window_6)).

    I understand that the command directs Excel to return the average of the data contained within the parenthese, but I don't know how to decipher the rest of it.

    Thanks, in advance, for any help that might/hopefully come my way.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help With Understanding Excel Program Command

    Hi Ray and welcome to the forum,

    You need to learn more about the Indirect function. Read
    to see if it doesn't get you close to your answer.
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert dangelor's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help With Understanding Excel Program Command

    I would guess that A2 contains a file name and start_window_6 and end_window_6 are named formulas that return row numbers. The formula would return the average of the cell range C?:C? on the worksheet Data in the workbook name in A2.


  4. #4
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help With Understanding Excel Program Command


    Another way to break apart a formula is to use the Formulas Tab Evaluate Formula dialog. See http://excel-user.blogspot.com/2010/...xcel-2010.html

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