Hi guys

My first post on this forum, I had been searching for a way to sort data by background color and this forum had the perfect answer BUT I have run into an issue - when I fill down the cell formula it does not change according to the referenced cell????

Eli Abt -4142
Emma Barnett -4142
Akshat Vipin -4142
Louise Pryer -4142

The cell I am referencing (Louise Pryor) has already had conditional formatting applied and the background of the cell is bright blue, but the Background colour reference is still -4142

The VBA module I am using is (as per several examples I have seen):

Function GetBackgroundColor(MyRange As Range)
GetBackgroundColor = MyRange.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

With a call of "=GetBackgroundColor(Cell range)"

Can anyone spot my error please, I can obviously go through manually but it has become a matter of principle now to get it to work

Thanks in advance for any help that may be offered
