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Problem downloading data from a website

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    Excel 2007

    Problem downloading data from a website

    I want to create a list of email addresses for the Canadian Members of Parliament. I have the basic data files, but the emails have to be extracted by clicking on the member's name, which takes you to their websirte, and them copying the field and pasting it. Sample data layout below:
    As there are 300 of these, I wrote a subriutine to do it, but the email address of the members website is too long to use the Excel data function

    Here's an example of the website link:

    This brings you to a page like this, with the email address on the right.


    1. Is there a way to change the limit on the url length in Excel?
    2. Can you think of any way to accomplish what I want without using the data function or doing it manually?

    Jim Berglund
    Last edited by Jazzzbo; 02-17-2012 at 07:37 PM.

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