Is there a way to find/look for a string of text including on the hidden rows. My problem is that I created a text that i am using as a row & Column pointer, it works fine when the entire rows is not hidden, but once the row becomes hidden, my macros does not work anymore because it can't find the text pointer.

Please help.

Here is my code:

Sub Find_Ptr()
ThisPage = ActiveSheet.Name

On Error Resume Next
Set valFind = Sheets(ThisPage).Cells.Find("*\Start Here/*", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
On Error GoTo 0

If Not valFind Is Nothing Then
    S_Row = valFind.Row
    If IsEmpty(S_Row) Then
        MsgBox " Missing Starting Column", vbOKOnly
    End If
    S_Row = valFind.Row
End If
End sub