my project is to use VBA to enter function in BBG and take the screen shot back to excel. I have several functions need to be checked. If i only include one function per time, it works. But if i add one more, i can only see the last screenshot.

Here is the code:

Option Explicit
Global bbgCom As BBSend
Public mn As Worksheet

Sub Deleteticker()
Dim i As Long

If bbgCom Is Nothing Then Set bbgCom = New BBSend
Set mn = Worksheets("Main")

Cells(4, 1) = "HDDB"
' send request to Bloomberg

' re-activate excel
AppActivate ThisWorkbook.Name

' wait for Bloomberg response
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:05")

'start screenshot and paste
Application.SendKeys "^v"

End Sub


Option Explicit

Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal _
bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)

Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2
Private Const VK_SNAPSHOT = &H2C
Private Const VK_MENU = &H12

Sub AltPrintScreen()
keybd_event VK_MENU, 0, 0, 0
keybd_event VK_SNAPSHOT, 0, 0, 0
keybd_event VK_MENU, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
End Sub

And another question, if i replace the sendkeys with activesheet.paste, the screenshot i get is not the latest screenshot. Thank you for help in advance.