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Auto sort and auto group

  1. #1
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    Excel 2003

    Auto sort and auto group

    Presently working with a 2 column table of approximately 200 rows. Col 1 contains customers names...about 10 or so customers. Col 2 contains times that they arrive. These times vary throughout the day for each customer, and they do not all arrive the same amount of times thru the day. I need to automatically count and arrange in a table the number of times within an hourly segment (e.g. 2:00-3:00 PM) that each customer arrives. A customer may arrive many times within a one hour time slot also. I envision a table with the first col being the time slot, thus 24 rows. And then there would be separate cols for each customer with the cells populated with the number or times within that hourly segment that the customer arrived. I have been able to produce a 2 col table, using the "countif" formula, that does not differentiate customer, but have not been able to figure out how to apportion the hourly arrival numbers amongst the various customers. This all needs to be done without user intervention, since the initial data is input by 4 different people, none of whom have Excel knowledge. I have already formed the table I need by automatically having their data linked to the spreadsheet I have created with the 2 cols. Any and all help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dilipandey's Avatar
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    Re: Auto sort and auto group

    Hi Bobhov,

    Welcome to the forum.

    Please upload the sample file. thanks.


    <click on below 'star' if this helps>
    DILIPandey, Excel rMVP
    +919810929744 (India), +971528225509 (Dubai), [email protected]

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