Hi everyone,

I need to search for a a substring under column x, and search for another substring under column y, then I need to paste the data that is inbetween the rows of these 2 substrings, taking only column 2 and 8, and paste them onto another file onto cell(1,2) and cell(1,3)

How should I write the loop for this procedure?

And if I didn't want to hard-code the data onto specific cells, how I make it so it takes the first empty cell after cell(1,1) in row 1?
For ex: If I were to take column 3,5,7,9...how to I paste them onto column (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5)... without hard-coding them?

If it doesn't make sense to you, I can provide a workbook.
