I work for a company that is required to keep documentation of all files it has submitted online in an excel 2007 worksheet. Each category for the file (assume placement or type of file) is in column A and each time we submit anything online it is only in one category, so I need to exclude the ones I'm not using. There already is a filter we can use for that but I add this in case it affects the script. Once uploaded, the one that uploads it is require to go into the file and type his initials into each file that was sent. The file name is located in column E and I have been using the "find" option to locate them. Each initial is in column O with the date entered (always done in a same-day block) being column P. I was wondering if it was possible to create a script that would place my initials and the date in those store numbers in a quicker and more efficient way. The numbers as we are given are unfortunately out of order so it takes longer because of that as well. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, and sorry for the unnecessary paragraph.