Hi Guys,

I'm looking at trying to create dependents for drop-down lists so I can filter out certain information.

For example, I have groups categorized by customers that fall into a classification of A, B, C & D.

I have it set up based off of a table.
Creating an offset of this.

I created the index off of this.

I then created the appropriate name for the drop-down. "UniqueCustomer"
and added the drop-down list.

I created the offset for the customername.

And the index.

Now, I want to create another dependent that after you have selected the A,B,C or D, that a market comes into play that will also reduce the overall list of the customername.

I'm having trouble understanding the logic of tying the market into the customername based off of the list that is already populated when A, B C or D is selected. I cannot connect it to the A, B, C or D as the market options expand all 4 and wouldn't change anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

