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Multiple Workbook booking system - filters into 1 main book which filters into another...

  1. #1
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    Multiple Workbook booking system - filters into 1 main book which filters into another...

    Hello All,
    I'm looking to build a workbook network if you will that does the following:
    There are a team of people each booking individual items into the same spreadsheet. Which involves them informing the others when they are using the spreadsheet so that its not overwritten.

    I'd like to come up with a way so that each of the let say 6 people can have their own workbooklet (assigned for the purpose of the example workbook x) that filters the data through into a main sheet (workbook Y) that can be arranged so that the orders are listed in the order they are written into the invidividual workbook.
    Person A makes 1 order at 12.01
    Person B makes 2 orders at 12.03
    Person C makes 1 order at 12.05
    -- i'd like them to appear in the mainwork book in this order --

    This main workbook (Y) would then connect to another larger workbook (Z) that contained several different workbooks that were similar to (Y).

    I hope this makes sense...

    Basically my questions are:
    1) is this possible to do in a logical fashion?
    2) if so how would the reordering in the main sheet work? would they need to save after each booking was made?
    3) What would happen to the main book (Y) if it was being read by multiple people and someone saved a booking?

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Workbook booking system - filters into 1 main book which filters into another

    Is there a really good reason you can't use a database?

  3. #3
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    Re: Multiple Workbook booking system - filters into 1 main book which filters into another

    Work enviornment i am in and the people i am working with suggests that even an access database would be a no go. Unless, the front end they saw was an excel spreadsheet.
    It's only a small part of there day to day stuff i've probably exaggerated how often its updated but thats besides the point.
    The chances are they probably wont need to view the main sheet all that often. Its just a case of having somewhere for the data to go.

    I found this: http://chandoo.org/wp/2012/04/09/con...cel-files-vba/ but i'm not sure if it covers everything as of yet.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Workbook booking system - filters into 1 main book which filters into another

    It's certainly possible and I've seen it done, the link uses some bad code however. It's just a pita.

    Google forms might work quite well for you, give em a google

  5. #5
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    Re: Multiple Workbook booking system - filters into 1 main book which filters into another

    Data is quite sensitive so i'm not sure google forms would be the best i've found a piece of code that kinda does it.
    However i need to change some aspects of it. For example i need the range of the work file to be dynamic so that it only grabs data from cells that contain a value. I also need it to update to the same book instead of creating a new one each time i press the macro.
    Any idea how to do this?
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