
I have been developing a Resource Management System in my spare time over the last 2 months. This is my first attempt at using Macros and UserForms and I am totally obsessed with the endless possibilities. Unfortunately my lack of knowledge in VBA codes is creating a lot of time wasting.

My program runs 9 UserForms. (2 UserForm’s for navigation and 7 day_UserForm’s. One for each day Mon – Sun)
I allocate 100 employees to 25 different jobsites every day. The UserForm sends a daily email to every employee, detailing the address and start time etc. Also records there start finish times and send the data to the payroll officer.
Each day_UserForm includes 106 CommandButtons, 300 ComboBox’s, 100 CheckBox,s, 2 large ListBox’s and a DatePicker.
The program works well most of the time.
I am thinking that the initialize may be the issue??
PS.. My code writing skills is poor.