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VBA to lookup in specified range for multiple files

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    VBA to lookup in specified range for multiple files


    Is there an easy way to use VBA to lookup in multiple files, checking for a specific range based on a text string? I have dozens of files in a folder, and I need to check every one for values within a specific range.

    I have attached an example of what I am trying to do. The first sheet is the lookup file, with the columns representing each file I need to check. The 2nd sheet is an example of one of the files that needs to be checked for each "V" value. I am only pulling data from "Section 2" of the files. End result would be that the entire sheet is populated with results after checking every file.

    Is it possible to have VBA code that opens each file in the folder (in alpha order), does a lookup for the values, then moves to row 2 of the next column and proceeds with opening the next file?

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