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setting a workbook object using a workbook name that is a variable

  1. #1
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    setting a workbook object using a workbook name that is a variable

    I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I want to assign the variable wkbWIW so I can use it in place of Workbooks("7000GT.xlsm) Here's what I have:

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    The code finds the workbook 7000GT.xlms but when I try to set the variable wkbWIW, it doesn't do anything (and causes an error in the rest of the code). The code runs over and over with a lot of different sWIWName values so I have to keep it a variable. Keep in mind the code is an excerpt and I'm just worried about the task of assigning the Workbook object.

    Thanks ahead of time!!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: setting a workbook object using a workbook name that is a variable

    As long as a workbook called 7000GT.xlsm is already open in the same instance of Excel, that should work.
    Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
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  3. #3
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    Re: setting a workbook object using a workbook name that is a variable

    So after executing that statement, I should be able to hover my mouse over it and it will say "Workbooks("7000GT.xlsm)," right?

    The next statement sets a Worksheet object as wkbWIW.Sheets("Input")

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    and when I step into it, it throws an error. Could that be my problem? (Assuming the sheet object is defined)

  4. #4
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: setting a workbook object using a workbook name that is a variable

    Make sure there is no ON ERROR RESUME NEXT in effect. You want the code to ERROR where it needs to when debugging.

    If it errors on that line of code, DEBUG.
    In the Immediate Window (Ctrl-G), put this:

    ? wkbWIW.Name


    ? wbkWIW.Sheets("Input").Index

    Anything useful in response? This sounds like you're addressing objects that don't exist. Object names are exacting, watch for hidden spaces.

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