Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to copy some duplicate data from one location to another but the receiving sheet has a column already in it that is destined to
perform a check to see if the incoming data is odd or even.

However, it copies the entire row across into the receiving sheet and this moves the awaiting columns down so the checks aren't performed:

Excel Forum Pic 3.png

The code I have is the following:

Sub KeepDuplicates()
For N = Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row To 4 Step -1
    If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns(5), Cells(N, 5)) Mod 3 <> 0 Then
        Sheet3.Rows("19:19").Insert Shift:=xlDown
    End If
Next N
End Sub
The sending sheet has 5 columns and a search is performed on these to determine the duplication.

Does anyone one know how I can copy and control only the relevant cell information across?

Also, how can I control the location the cells go into on the receiving sheet?

Initally these were set to ("1:1") but I changed them to ("19:19") as this was where I wanted the data to go.
However, the reason I wanted the data to go here was because another macro from another sheet also delivers
data to this location but I can't make the second data dynamic i.e. its fine if there always 19 rows of data
but if there were 16 say I can't get the data from the second macro to add it to the next rows after the previous?

In other words, in the picture included you can see the 5 rows of data from the second macro that have have been
copied and I would like these to just go in straight after the previous data without moving my "odd check"

Kind Regards