I have a sheet that imports a column of names, and with the column of names, I have code to place a checkbox (form control) in the next 4 columns. This is what I want it to do:
The first 3 columns of checkboxes place the name into 1 of 3 categories, and the 4th checkbox is toggled to "activate" (or in this case copy the name into another sheet) the name. In a sheet with 50 names (rows of data), that's 200 checkboxes...sucks I know..

How do I get the name (data) to recognize when the corresponding checkbox has been checked? Can I name each checkbox??

This is my code for adding the checkboxes (this is only for the first column of checkboxes)
Sub Addcheckboxes2()
Dim cell, lRow As Single
Dim chkbx As CheckBox
Dim CLeft, CTop, CHeight, CWidth As Double
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lRow = ActiveSheet.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For cell = 3 To lRow
    If Cells(cell, "B").Value <> "" Then
        CWidth = Cells(cell, "C").Width
        CLeft = Cells(cell, "C").Left + ((CWidth - 15) / 2)
        CTop = Cells(cell, "C").Top
        CHeight = Cells(cell, "C").Height
        ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(CLeft, CTop, CWidth, CHeight).Select
        With Selection
            .Caption = ""
            .Value = xlOff
            .Display3DShading = False
        End With
    End If
Next cell
Is there a way to check the value (checked or not checked) of each checkbox for each column? I feel like excel doesn't know where the checkboxes, so I can't look for them.

Thanks in advance.