Hello everyone,

I have a very odd problem to say the least...

I have created the following custom module in order to use it for conditional formatting purposes:

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Then in the conditional formatting I use the following code:

in order to automatically format red the cell that the user overrides my formula and enters data by hand.

So far so good and the formatting works just fine...
The problem which comes from the conditional formatting though is very strange.

When it tries to execute any other code it only executes the first line (no errors popup though).
For example when it executes the following
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it only executes the first line: Columns("B:B").EntireColumn.Hidden = False desregarding the rest...
Or when it tries to execute the following code:

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the same thing happens...
Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening???
Is there another way to conditionally format the changes cells instead of using the custom module/formula which appears to be creating the problem?

All help is really appreciated!