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Sending personalised emails from excel using VBA

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  1. #1
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Sending personalised emails from excel using VBA

    Hi Simon

    This isn't quite right but the principle is demonstrated here. You can't have such long lines in VBA code so I have created a "body" string and then used that. However, the first saved email isn't structured properly for some reason so you only get the second half of it. That aside, it builds and saves the first email, builds the second email and attaches the first email ( I didn't have a second attachment) and displays each one for review, edit and send.

    If/when you get the structure of the body of the first email sorted, I'd appreciate seeing it ... I'm not big on HTML so I don't really know where to start and it's probably not really worth me spending time on it if you can fix it quickly.

    So, the code is going to look something like this:

    Option Explicit
    Sub TestSendHTMLEmail()
    Dim lLR As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim olApp As Object
    Dim olMsg As Object
    Dim result
    Dim d
    Dim sBody As String
    Dim BrokerName
    Dim BrokerEmail
    lLR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To lLR
        result = Range("A" & i).Value
        BrokerName = Range("B" & i).Value & " " & Range("C" & i).Value
        BrokerEmail = Range("D" & i).Value
        Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set olMsg = olApp.CreateItem(0)
        sBody = _
            "<img src='http://www.afgonline.com.au/afg_extranet/downloads/myAFG Broker Logo.JPG'>"
        sBody = sBody & "<html><body style='font-family:Calibri;font-size:15px;'>"
        sBody = sBody & "Hi there, <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Part of the first-rate service I offer as a mortgage broker is checking in regularly with my clients and key contacts. I do this to ensure you're kept up to date with mortgage market movements to help keep you two steps ahead. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "With more and more of my clients now using an iPhone, I'm really pleased to let you know I now have my own broker app that I would love you to download to your phone.<br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "The app has a host of tools and info at your fingertips. Staying in touch with me,finding out how much you could be saving on your loan, or if perhaps you're thinking about a renovation or investment property the app can help give you an idea of how much you may be able to borrow. And if you know someone who may be needing help with their finance, you can share my app via email or a QR code. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "You can check out more about how the app works here - www.mybrokerapp.com.au and you can download it by clicking on this "
        sBody = sBody & "<a href=""http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/myafgbroker/id554555566?mt=8"">link here </a>. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "When you've downloaded the app onto your iPhone open it up and <b>scan the QR code below</b> or <b>when viewing this email on your iPhone</b> "
        sBody = sBody & "<a href=""brokerapp://register/?id="
        sBody = sBody & result
        sBody = sBody & """>click this link</a>, either way will give you instant access to my app! <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "<img src='http://qrcode.kaywa.com/img.php?s=8"
        sBody = sBody & d = " "
        sBody = sBody & result
        sBody = sBody & "'> <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Having a mortgage broker go into bat for you with your finance is the smart way to ensure you're in the right finance solution and you're two steps ahead. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Staying in touch has now got smarter too. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Kind regards, <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "PS - I'm not one to often email you with news like this, but please do let me know simply by replying to this email if you'd prefer not to receive similar messages from me in the future. </html>"
        With olMsg
          .Subject = "Stay two steps ahead with my clever 'myBroker' app for your iPhone"
          .htmlbody = sBody
        '    .SaveAs "N:\Commissions\Shared\Member Support\08 Projects\New Way of Working\myBroker App\Client Emails\" & result & ".msg"
            .SaveAs "c:\test\" & result & ".msg"
        End With
        Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set olMsg = olApp.CreateItem(0)
        sBody = _
            "'http://www.afgonline.com.au/afg_extranet/downloads/myAFG Broker Logo.JPG'>"
        sBody = sBody & "<html><body style='font-family:Calibri;font-size:15px;'>"
        sBody = sBody & "Dear "
        sBody = sBody & BrokerName
        sBody = sBody & ","
        sBody = sBody & "<br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "<b>Your broker branded iphone app is ready for you and your clients to download. </b> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "As you know, you've been chosen as one of the first AFG brokers to receive your version of the app. Welcome to your very own tailored and branded iphone app that AFG has developed and built just for you.  It is designed to give your clients all the tools and functionality they need to keep on top of their finance, and to keep your details top of mind, all at the tip of their fingers from their iphone, leveraging the shift to mobile technology. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "<b> How can I see what the app can do? </b> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "The best way to see how the app works and just what it can do is by clicking on this clever site we've created at www.mybrokerapp.com.au. <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Do scroll down on the site and you will find three short videos that illustrate the power of the app, how easy it is to use, and what it can do for your business. <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Don't forget, the app works best with a photo of yourself and the active links to your social media accounts such as facebook.  So, do make sure we have this information from you so that you're taking advantage of as many of its features as possible. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "<b>What information do I need to know?</b> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "All the questions you may have in relation to the app should all be answered in the FAQ document attached. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "<b>How do I download my app onto my own iPhone?</b> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Once you've visited the site above and read the first attachment, please click on your customer email above, where you can scan your QR code or click on your link to allow you to download your app onto your own iPhone. <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "This will ensure you get to know it before you invite your customers to download it. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "<b>How do I share the app with people and encourage my clients to use it?</b> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "We've attached an email template for you to use to send to your clients.<br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Please just save this email template onto your computer and then once you open it up, it will launch in Outlook and you'll be able to send to as many of your email contacts as possible.<br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Of course there are also built in share features within the app itself, which is another way of promoting the app across your client base.<br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "<b>It's a new world, and we're here to help you with any questions you may have.</b> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "If you have any questions on how to install the app or how to use it, please don't hesitate to contact us and we can walk you through how it all works. <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "Kind regards, <br> <br>"
        sBody = sBody & "AFG's new way of working team </html>"
        With olMsg
            .To = BrokerEmail
            .Subject = "Your own iPhone app is ready to download and share with your clients!"
            .htmlbody = sBody
            .Attachments.Add "c:\test\" & result & ".msg"
    '       .Attachments.Add "N:\Commissions\Shared\Member Support\08 Projects\New Way of Working\myBroker App\Information Sheet - my AFG Broker App.pdf"
    '       .Attachments.Add "N:\Commissions\Shared\Member Support\08 Projects\New Way of Working\myBroker App\Client Emails\" & result & ".msg"
        End With
    Next 'i
    End Sub

    Regards, TMS
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

    I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned

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  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Thumbs up Re: Sending personalised emails from excel using VBA

    Hi Trevor

    My sincerest thanks for this! It works a treat.

    I have removed the sBodys and modified the .htmlbody

    Option Explicit
    Sub TestSendHTMLEmail()
    Dim lLR As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim olApp As Object
    Dim olMsg As Object
    Dim result
    Dim d
    Dim sBody As String
    Dim BrokerName
    Dim BrokerEmail
    lLR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To lLR
        result = Range("A" & i).Value
        BrokerName = Range("B" & i).Value & " " & Range("C" & i).Value
        BrokerEmail = Range("D" & i).Value
        Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set olMsg = olApp.CreateItem(0)
        With olMsg
          .Subject = "Stay two steps ahead with my clever 'myBroker' app for your iPhone"
          .HTMLBody = "<img src='http://www.afgonline.com.au/afg_extranet/downloads/myAFG Broker Logo.JPG'>" & "<html><body style='font-family:Calibri;font-size:15px;'>" & "Hi there, <br> <br>" & "Part of the first-rate service I offer as a mortgage broker is checking in regularly with my clients and key contacts. I do this to ensure you’re kept up to date with mortgage market movements to help keep you two steps ahead. <br> <br>" & _
                        "With more and more of my clients now using an iPhone, I’m really pleased to let you know I now have my own broker app that I would love you to download to your phone.<br> <br>" & "The app has a host of tools and info at your fingertips. Staying in touch with me,finding out how much you could be saving on your loan, or if perhaps you’re thinking about a renovation or investment property the app can help give you an idea of how much you may be able to borrow. And if you know someone who may be needing help with their finance, you can share my app via email or a QR code. <br> <br>" & _
                        "You can check out more about how the app works here - www.mybrokerapp.com.au and you can download it by clicking on this " & "<a href=""http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/myafgbroker/id554555566?mt=8"">link here </a>. <br> <br>" & "When you’ve downloaded the app onto your iPhone open it up and <b>scan the QR code below</b> or <b>when viewing this email on your iPhone</b> " & _
                        "<a href=""brokerapp://register/?id=" & result & """>click this link</a>, either way will give you instant access to my app! <br> <br>" & "<img src='http://qrcode.kaywa.com/img.php?s=8&d=" & result & "'> <br> <br>" & "Having a mortgage broker go into bat for you with your finance is the smart way to ensure you’re in the right finance solution and you’re two steps ahead. <br> <br>" & "Staying in touch has now got smarter too. <br> <br>" & "Kind regards, <br> <br>" & "PS – I’m not one to often email you with news like this, but please do let me know simply by replying to this email if you’d prefer not to receive similar messages from me in the future. </html>"
        '    .SaveAs "N:\Commissions\Shared\Member Support\08 Projects\New Way of Working\myBroker App\Client Emails\" & result & ".msg"
            .SaveAs "c:\test\" & result & ".msg"
        End With
        Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set olMsg = olApp.CreateItem(0)
        With olMsg
            .To = BrokerEmail
            .Subject = "Your own iPhone app is ready to download and share with your clients!"
          .HTMLBody = "<img src='http://www.afgonline.com.au/afg_extranet/downloads/myAFG Broker Logo.JPG'>" & "<html><body style='font-family:Calibri;font-size:15px;'>" & "Dear " & BrokerName & "," & "<br> <br>" & "<b>Your broker branded iphone app is ready for you and your clients to download. </b> <br>" & "As you know, you’ve been chosen as one of the first AFG brokers to receive your version of the app. Welcome to your very own tailored and branded iphone app that AFG has developed and built just for you.  It is designed to give your clients all the tools and functionality they need to keep on top of their finance, and to keep your details top of mind, all at the tip of their fingers from their iphone, leveraging the shift to mobile technology. <br> <br>" & "<b> How can I see what the app can do? </b> <br>" & _
                        "The best way to see how the app works and just what it can do is by clicking on this clever site we’ve created at www.mybrokerapp.com.au. <br>" & "Do scroll down on the site and you will find three short videos that illustrate the power of the app, how easy it is to use, and what it can do for your business. <br>" & "Don’t forget, the app works best with a photo of yourself and the active links to your social media accounts such as facebook.  So, do make sure we have this information from you so that you’re taking advantage of as many of its features as possible. <br> <br>" & "<b>What information do I need to know?</b> <br>" & _
                        "All the questions you may have in relation to the app should all be answered in the FAQ document attached. <br> <br>" & "<b>How do I download my app onto my own iPhone?</b> <br>" & "Once you’ve visited the site above and read the first attachment, please click on your customer email above, where you can scan your QR code or click on your link to allow you to download your app onto your own iPhone. <br>" & "This will ensure you get to know it before you invite your customers to download it. <br> <br>" & "<b>How do I share the app with people and encourage my clients to use it?</b> <br>" & "We’ve attached an email template for you to use to send to your clients.<br>" & _
                        "Please just save this email template onto your computer and then once you open it up, it will launch in Outlook and you’ll be able to send to as many of your email contacts as possible.<br>" & "Of course there are also built in share features within the app itself, which is another way of promoting the app across your client base.<br> <br>" & "<b>It’s a new world, and we’re here to help you with any questions you may have.</b> <br>" & "If you have any questions on how to install the app or how to use it, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we can walk you through how it all works. <br> <br>" & "Kind regards, <br> <br>" & "AFG’s new way of working team </html>"
            .Attachments.Add "c:\test\" & result & ".msg"
    '       .Attachments.Add "N:\Commissions\Shared\Member Support\08 Projects\New Way of Working\myBroker App\Information Sheet - my AFG Broker App.pdf"
    '       .Attachments.Add "N:\Commissions\Shared\Member Support\08 Projects\New Way of Working\myBroker App\Client Emails\" & result & ".msg"
        End With
    Next 'i
    End Sub
    This is my final code (still have to modify the paths though).

    Again, thank you very much for this!


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