Hi all,

As the title states , I have a document which my boss asked me to create where I pull the current user and timestamp the cell for record purposes for whom created the document and last modified it. In this document the user must specify who the project manager is internally in our office.

Here is my issue, I already have the document setting up an appointment in outlook but, this appointment is really only useful and for the project manager. So, I don't want another employee who is not named as a project manager to be able to set reminders to follow up and verify the information in the document. I was simply just going to check the email against the username but, our usernames at our office is our initials not our full names. This poses a problem now because I would think to test the email address, I would have to check characters provided by the user as the email and see if the first character of the first name match the first letter of the initial and shame for the last name and last initial.

Or I could just pull the office contact list into excel from outlook and have all employees but, we do have interns who help on projects and if and when they show up, I would need this list to be dynamic and load each time for each user which I would think would clear any values populated with said email list since I planed on using it as a data validation.

Any help is appreciated.