I have the following code which runs through over 140K records and makes changes base on the code below. Currently, it is taking 20to 30 min to run this simple macro. Is there any way to speed up the code below to cut down the processing time?Thanks

 Dim H As Range, I As Range, dd As Range
Set I = Range("E:E")
For Each dd In I.Cells
    If dd.Value = "1" Then dd = "A"
Next dd

For Each dd In I.Cells
  If dd.Value = "2" Then dd = "B"
Next dd

For Each dd In I.Cells
    If dd.Value = "3" Then dd = "C"
Next dd

For Each dd In I.Cells
    If dd.Value = "4" Then dd = "D"
Next dd

For Each dd In I.Cells
    If dd.Value = "5" Then dd = "E"
Next dd