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Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a condition

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  1. #1
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Excel 2007 (home) & 2010 (office)

    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Version 2.

    Please remember to add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime

    '# requires microsoft scripting runtime
         Public Sub pub_sub_ExportRows()
         '# declare private variables
              Dim pvt_wbk_New As Excel.Workbook
              Dim pvt_xls_Current As Excel.Worksheet
              Dim pvt_dct_ValidColumn As Scripting.Dictionary
              Dim pvt_dct_SkipColumn As Scripting.Dictionary
              Dim pvt_dct_ValidRow As Scripting.Dictionary
              Dim pvt_lng_AreaNumber As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_FirstColumn As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_LastColumn As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_RowNumber As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_ColumnNumber As Long
              Dim pvt_flg_ValidRow As Boolean
              Dim pvt_var_SkipColumn As Variant
              Dim pvt_int_ColumnElement As Integer
              Dim pvt_int_RowElement As Integer
              Dim pvt_lng_TargetColumn As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_TargetRow As Long
         '# initialise variables - note that the maximum number of columns to be considered is not dependent on the
         '# columns defined in the worksheet, but rather by a limit imposed by the user - i.e. from column "Q" to "HG"
              Set pvt_xls_Current = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
              Set pvt_dct_ValidRow = New Scripting.Dictionary
              Set pvt_dct_ValidColumn = New Scripting.Dictionary
              Set pvt_dct_SkipColumn = New Scripting.Dictionary
              pvt_lng_FirstColumn = Columns("Q").Column
              pvt_lng_LastColumn = Columns("HG").Column
         '# load the dictionary of invalid columns based on the columns that were specified as to be
         '# excluded from the copy process - additional column identifiers can be added to the array
         '# as and when needed
              For Each pvt_var_SkipColumn In Array("AF", "BF", "CG", "DH", "ES", "FV", "HD", "HF")
                   pvt_dct_SkipColumn.Add Columns(pvt_var_SkipColumn).Column, vbNullString
              Next pvt_var_SkipColumn
         '# add the header rows 4 and 5 to the valid row dictionary because they always need to be included
         '# in the copy step - as long as at least one valid data rows has been found in the selection
              pvt_dct_ValidRow.Add 4, vbNullString
              pvt_dct_ValidRow.Add 5, vbNullString
         '# execute a loop on all rows present in the selection - adjacent selected rows are always in a single
         '# area - but more areas can be present in the selection made by the user
              With pvt_xls_Current
                   For pvt_lng_AreaNumber = 1 To Selection.Areas.Count
                        For pvt_lng_RowNumber = Selection.Areas(pvt_lng_AreaNumber).Row To (Selection.Areas(pvt_lng_AreaNumber).Row + Selection.Areas(pvt_lng_AreaNumber).Rows.Count - 1)
                        '# loop for all columns from Q to HG, skipping the excluded columns, to determine if a non-blank
                        '# entry exists - when found the column must be added to the valid column dictionary and the
                        '# boolean indicating that the row is valid must be set to True
                             pvt_flg_ValidRow = False
                             For pvt_lng_ColumnNumber = pvt_lng_FirstColumn To pvt_lng_LastColumn
                                  If Not pvt_dct_SkipColumn.Exists(pvt_lng_ColumnNumber) Then
                                       If LenB(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value) > 0 Then
                                            pvt_flg_ValidRow = True
                                            If Not pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Exists(pvt_lng_ColumnNumber) Then
                                                 pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Add pvt_lng_ColumnNumber, "VAL"
                                            End If
                                       End If
                                  End If
                             Next pvt_lng_ColumnNumber
                        '# if a non-blank cell was encountered for the selected row, the row is considered valid
                        '# and the tow number is added to the valid row dictionary object - if not a message
                        '# is displayed to the user stating that the row is skipped
                             If pvt_flg_ValidRow Then
                                  pvt_dct_ValidRow.Add pvt_lng_RowNumber, vbNullString
                                  MsgBox "Row number " & pvt_lng_RowNumber & " is skipped as all cells are empty"
                             End If
                        Next pvt_lng_RowNumber
                   Next pvt_lng_AreaNumber
              End With
         '# if no valid data rows were encountered during the previous step, the valid row collection
         '# only holds the two entries (i.e. the header rows 4 and 5) - inform the user and exit the routine
              If pvt_dct_ValidRow.Count = 2 Then
                   MsgBox "No valid rows selected, no new workbook created"
                   Exit Sub
              End If
         '# the dictionary objects now hold all valid columns and all valid rows that should be included in the
         '# copy workbook - create the new workbook and copy the data
              Set pvt_wbk_New = Application.Workbooks.Add
              pvt_lng_TargetRow = 0
              With pvt_xls_Current
                   For pvt_int_RowElement = 0 To (pvt_dct_ValidRow.Count - 1)
                        pvt_lng_RowNumber = pvt_dct_ValidRow.Keys(pvt_int_RowElement)
                        pvt_lng_TargetRow = pvt_lng_TargetRow + 1
                        pvt_lng_TargetColumn = 0
                        For pvt_int_ColumnElement = 0 To (pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Count - 1)
                             pvt_lng_TargetColumn = pvt_lng_TargetColumn + 1
                             pvt_wbk_New.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(pvt_lng_TargetRow, pvt_lng_TargetColumn).Value = _
                                       .Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Keys(pvt_int_ColumnElement)).Value
                        Next pvt_int_ColumnElement
                   Next pvt_int_RowElement
              End With
         '# set all columns in the new workbook to autofit and activate the new workbook
              With pvt_wbk_New
              End With
    End Sub
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  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2010

    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Hi Olaf, thank you so much again for taking time to help me. With both versions I get run-time error 13: Type Mismatch and this is the line of code that seems to cause the problem. I have added the microsoft scripting run time reference to the module. I will check online now to see what could cause this.

    If LenB(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value) > 0 Then

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