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Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a condition

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  1. #1
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    Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a condition

    I have some code here which works great. I would like to customize it in a different way though, and have been unsuccessful at doing so and am therefore reaching out to this community. I will try to explain what I would like to do. What the macro does right now: it copies three rows to a new workbook (Rows 4 and 5 as well as the row of the active cell, based on whether the row of the active cell has non-empty cells). What I would like to do is that I would like the macro to copy the following rows to a new workbook:
    -Row 4 & 5 (like it's doing right now), but based on whether the below row(s) has(have) non-empty cells.
    -any row which i have selected. So instead of just one other row being copied, several other rows should be copied, depending on which rows i select.
    To summarize: Assuming I select row 6,8, & 10. When running the macro, a new workbook is created where the following rows have been copied:
    -Row 4 & 5
    -Row 6,8, & 10 *The condition being however that only those columns are copied where Row 6,8, & 10 are non-empty.
    Assuming I select row 14, 54, 31, 64, 65. When running the macro, a new workbook is created where the following rows have been copied:
    -Row 4 & 5
    -Row 14, 54, 31, 64, 65 *The condition being however that only those columns are copied where Row 14,54,31,64 & 65 are non-empty.
    The overall logic of the current code thus doesn't change. Rather, what changes is that I would like to be able to copy several rows apart from 4&5 instead of just one other (as it is doing now-based on where the active cell is)
    Here is the code, I hope I have been clear. If anyone has any idea where i could start/how i could do this, please let me know, thanks!!

    Public Sub pub_sub_ExportRows()
    '# declare private variables
    Dim pvt_xls_Current As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim pvt_wbk_New As Excel.Workbook
    Dim pvt_lng_SelectedSourceRow As Long
    Dim pvt_flg_ValidRow As Boolean
    Dim pvt_lng_RowNumber As Long
    Dim pvt_lng_FirstColumn As Long
    Dim pvt_lng_LastColumn As Long
    Dim pvt_lng_ColumnNumber As Long
    Dim pvt_lng_TargetColumn As Long
    '# record the current row based on the active cell
    Set pvt_xls_Current = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    pvt_lng_SelectedSourceRow = ActiveCell.Row
    '# the maximum number of columns to be considered is not dependent on the columns defined in the
    '# worksheet, but rather by a limit imposed by the user - i.e. column HG is the last column to be copied,
    '# and column Q is the first column to be considered
    pvt_lng_FirstColumn = Columns("Q").Column
    pvt_lng_LastColumn = Columns("HG").Column
    pvt_lng_TargetColumn = 0
    '# check if the selected row is valid by examining the values in the columns on that
    '# row - any non-blank value implies that the selected row is valid - when looking at
    '# the values the search starts in column Q as requested by the user
    With pvt_xls_Current
    pvt_flg_ValidRow = False
    For pvt_lng_ColumnNumber = pvt_lng_FirstColumn To pvt_lng_LastColumn
    If LenB(.Cells(pvt_lng_SelectedSourceRow, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value) > 0 Then
    pvt_flg_ValidRow = True
    Exit For
    End If
    Next pvt_lng_ColumnNumber
    End With
    If Not pvt_flg_ValidRow Then
    MsgBox "You must select a valid - i.e. non empty - row"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    If pvt_lng_SelectSourceRow > 10000 Then
    MsgBox "You may not select a row > 10000"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    '# create a new workbook to hold the copied values and copy & paste the information to the
    '# newly created workbook
    Set pvt_wbk_New = Application.Workbooks.Add
    With pvt_xls_Current
    For pvt_lng_ColumnNumber = pvt_lng_FirstColumn To pvt_lng_LastColumn
    If LenB(.Cells(pvt_lng_SelectedSourceRow, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value) > 0 And _
    InStr(1, "$AF,$BF,$CG,$DH,$ES,$FV,$HD, $HF", Split(Columns(pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Address, ":")(0)) = 0 Then
    pvt_lng_TargetColumn = pvt_lng_TargetColumn + 1
    pvt_wbk_New.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, pvt_lng_TargetColumn).Value = .Cells(4, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value
    pvt_wbk_New.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(2, pvt_lng_TargetColumn).Value = .Cells(5, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value
    pvt_wbk_New.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(3, pvt_lng_TargetColumn).Value = .Cells(pvt_lng_SelectedSourceRow, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value
    End If
    Next pvt_lng_ColumnNumber
    End With
    '# activate the new workbook
    pvt_wbk_New.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, pvt_lng_TargetColumn).EntireRow.Columns.AutoFit
    End Sub
    Links for cross-posts:
    Last edited by philips; 01-03-2013 at 10:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru JosephP's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi


    please take a moment to read the forum rules again paying special attention to #3 and #8 and then amend your post accordingly. thank you ;-)

    if at first you don't succeed try doing it the way your wife told you to

  3. #3
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Hi, thanks for letting me know. How can i delete this thread? I will only keep it on the other forum in that case.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru JosephP's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    you don't have to delete it you just need to add links here to your cross-posts in other forums

  5. #5
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    And for my info, how do i delete threads? I've added the links for cross-posts, hope that's fine!

  6. #6
    Forum Guru JosephP's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    you don't. you have a short time to edit them (10 minutes I think) but that's it

  7. #7
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Hi Philips,

    I do not have the time to do it right now, but I will make the changes tomorrow morning, unless somebody else delivers the change quicker
    If you like my contribution click the star icon!

  8. #8
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Thank you so much Olaf. Tomorrow works great for me!

  9. #9
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Ok, this should work

    Please add the Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference to your project to allow for early binding of dictionary objects

    '# requires microsoft scripting runtime
         Public Sub pub_sub_ExportRows()
         '# declare private variables
              Dim pvt_xls_Current As Excel.Worksheet
              Dim pvt_rng_Current As Excel.Range
              Dim pvt_lng_AreaNumber As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_FirstColumn As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_LastColumn As Long
              Dim pvt_flg_ValidRow As Boolean
              Dim pvt_flg_ValidSelection As Boolean
              Dim pvt_lng_RowNumber As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_ColumnNumber As Long
              Dim pvt_dct_ValidColumn As Scripting.Dictionary
              Dim pvt_dct_ValidRow As Scripting.Dictionary
              Dim pvt_int_ColumnElement As Integer
              Dim pvt_int_RowElement As Integer
              Dim pvt_wbk_New As Excel.Workbook
              Dim pvt_lng_TargetColumn As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_TargetRow As Long
         '# initialise
              Set pvt_xls_Current = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
              Set pvt_rng_Current = Selection
              Set pvt_dct_ValidRow = New Scripting.Dictionary
              Set pvt_dct_ValidColumn = New Scripting.Dictionary
              pvt_flg_ValidSelection = False
         '# the maximum number of columns to be considered is not dependent on the columns defined in the
         '# worksheet, but rather by a limit imposed by the user - i.e. column HG is the last column to be copied,
         '# and column Q is the first column to be considered
              pvt_lng_FirstColumn = Columns("Q").Column
              pvt_lng_LastColumn = Columns("HG").Column
         '# identify all rows in the user selection and add the rows to the valid row dictionary with an
         '# indication that the row is invalid - only when later one or more filled cells are found for the
         '# row in question will the status be changed to valid
              For pvt_lng_AreaNumber = 1 To pvt_rng_Current.Areas.Count
                   For pvt_lng_RowNumber = pvt_rng_Current.Areas(pvt_lng_AreaNumber).Row To (pvt_rng_Current.Areas(pvt_lng_AreaNumber).Row + pvt_rng_Current.Areas(pvt_lng_AreaNumber).Rows.Count - 1)
                        pvt_dct_ValidRow.Add pvt_lng_RowNumber, "INVALID"
                   Next pvt_lng_RowNumber
              Next pvt_lng_AreaNumber
         '# for all rows in the selection a check is performed to see if one or more non-empty cells are found -
         '# when found the column is valid for the copy step and the row is valid because one or more non-blank cells were found
              With pvt_xls_Current
                   For pvt_int_RowElement = 0 To (pvt_dct_ValidRow.Count - 1)
                   '# initialise row variables for the current row of the selected area
                        pvt_flg_ValidRow = False
                        pvt_lng_RowNumber = pvt_dct_ValidRow.Keys(pvt_int_RowElement)
                   '# loop for all columns between Q and HG, skipping the columns that should be ignored as per the requirements -
                   '# if the cell is not empty then the column is valid and should be included in the copy step, and the row is also
                   '# considered valid (non-blank) because a valid entry has been found
                        For pvt_lng_ColumnNumber = pvt_lng_FirstColumn To pvt_lng_LastColumn
                             If InStr(1, "$AF,$BF,$CG,$DH,$ES,$FV,$HD, $HF,", Split(Columns(pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Address, ":")(0) & ",") = 0 Then
                                  If LenB(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value) > 0 Then
                                       pvt_flg_ValidRow = True
                                       If Not pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Exists(pvt_lng_ColumnNumber) Then
                                            pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Add pvt_lng_ColumnNumber, "VAL"
                                       End If
                                  End If
                             End If
                        Next pvt_lng_ColumnNumber
                   '# if one or more non-empty cells were encountered for the current row, the row is considered a valid
                   '# row for the copy step, if not a message is presented to the user
                        If pvt_flg_ValidRow Then
                             pvt_dct_ValidRow(pvt_int_RowElement) = "VALID"
                             pvt_flg_ValidSelection = True
                             MsgBox "Row number " & pvt_lng_RowNumber & " is skipped as all cells are empty"
                        End If
                   Next pvt_int_RowElement
              End With
         '# if no rows have been selected
              If Not pvt_flg_ValidSelection Then
                   MsgBox "No valid rows selected, no new workbook created"
                   Exit Sub
              End If
         '# the dictionary objects now hold all valid columns and all valid rows that should be included in the
         '# copy workbook - create the new workbook and copy the data
              Set pvt_wbk_New = Application.Workbooks.Add
              pvt_lng_TargetRow = 0
              With pvt_xls_Current
              '# always create the header rows
                   For pvt_lng_RowNumber = 4 To 5
                        pvt_lng_TargetColumn = 0
                        pvt_lng_TargetRow = pvt_lng_TargetRow + 1
                        For pvt_int_ColumnElement = 0 To (pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Count - 1)
                             pvt_lng_TargetColumn = pvt_lng_TargetColumn + 1
                             pvt_wbk_New.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(pvt_lng_TargetRow, pvt_lng_TargetColumn).Value = _
                                  .Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Keys(pvt_int_ColumnElement)).Value
                        Next pvt_int_ColumnElement
                   Next pvt_lng_RowNumber
              '# now loop for all valid rows as stored in the dictionary - and per row copy the valid columns again
              '# from the dictionary
                   For pvt_int_RowElement = 0 To (pvt_dct_ValidRow.Count - 1)
                        If pvt_dct_ValidRow(pvt_int_RowElement) = "VALID" Then
                             pvt_lng_RowNumber = pvt_dct_ValidRow.Keys(pvt_int_RowElement)
                             pvt_lng_TargetRow = pvt_lng_TargetRow + 1
                             pvt_lng_TargetColumn = 0
                             For pvt_int_ColumnElement = 0 To (pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Count - 1)
                                  pvt_lng_TargetColumn = pvt_lng_TargetColumn + 1
                                  pvt_wbk_New.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(pvt_lng_TargetRow, pvt_lng_TargetColumn).Value = _
                                       .Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Keys(pvt_int_ColumnElement)).Value
                             Next pvt_int_ColumnElement
                        End If
                   Next pvt_int_RowElement
              End With
         '# set all columns in the new workbook to autofit and activate the new workbook
              With pvt_wbk_New
              End With
    End Sub

  10. #10
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Philips, I have thought of several improvements so version 2 will follow a bit later. I suggest you wait with testing until I have posted the revised code

  11. #11
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Version 2.

    Please remember to add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime

    '# requires microsoft scripting runtime
         Public Sub pub_sub_ExportRows()
         '# declare private variables
              Dim pvt_wbk_New As Excel.Workbook
              Dim pvt_xls_Current As Excel.Worksheet
              Dim pvt_dct_ValidColumn As Scripting.Dictionary
              Dim pvt_dct_SkipColumn As Scripting.Dictionary
              Dim pvt_dct_ValidRow As Scripting.Dictionary
              Dim pvt_lng_AreaNumber As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_FirstColumn As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_LastColumn As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_RowNumber As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_ColumnNumber As Long
              Dim pvt_flg_ValidRow As Boolean
              Dim pvt_var_SkipColumn As Variant
              Dim pvt_int_ColumnElement As Integer
              Dim pvt_int_RowElement As Integer
              Dim pvt_lng_TargetColumn As Long
              Dim pvt_lng_TargetRow As Long
         '# initialise variables - note that the maximum number of columns to be considered is not dependent on the
         '# columns defined in the worksheet, but rather by a limit imposed by the user - i.e. from column "Q" to "HG"
              Set pvt_xls_Current = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
              Set pvt_dct_ValidRow = New Scripting.Dictionary
              Set pvt_dct_ValidColumn = New Scripting.Dictionary
              Set pvt_dct_SkipColumn = New Scripting.Dictionary
              pvt_lng_FirstColumn = Columns("Q").Column
              pvt_lng_LastColumn = Columns("HG").Column
         '# load the dictionary of invalid columns based on the columns that were specified as to be
         '# excluded from the copy process - additional column identifiers can be added to the array
         '# as and when needed
              For Each pvt_var_SkipColumn In Array("AF", "BF", "CG", "DH", "ES", "FV", "HD", "HF")
                   pvt_dct_SkipColumn.Add Columns(pvt_var_SkipColumn).Column, vbNullString
              Next pvt_var_SkipColumn
         '# add the header rows 4 and 5 to the valid row dictionary because they always need to be included
         '# in the copy step - as long as at least one valid data rows has been found in the selection
              pvt_dct_ValidRow.Add 4, vbNullString
              pvt_dct_ValidRow.Add 5, vbNullString
         '# execute a loop on all rows present in the selection - adjacent selected rows are always in a single
         '# area - but more areas can be present in the selection made by the user
              With pvt_xls_Current
                   For pvt_lng_AreaNumber = 1 To Selection.Areas.Count
                        For pvt_lng_RowNumber = Selection.Areas(pvt_lng_AreaNumber).Row To (Selection.Areas(pvt_lng_AreaNumber).Row + Selection.Areas(pvt_lng_AreaNumber).Rows.Count - 1)
                        '# loop for all columns from Q to HG, skipping the excluded columns, to determine if a non-blank
                        '# entry exists - when found the column must be added to the valid column dictionary and the
                        '# boolean indicating that the row is valid must be set to True
                             pvt_flg_ValidRow = False
                             For pvt_lng_ColumnNumber = pvt_lng_FirstColumn To pvt_lng_LastColumn
                                  If Not pvt_dct_SkipColumn.Exists(pvt_lng_ColumnNumber) Then
                                       If LenB(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value) > 0 Then
                                            pvt_flg_ValidRow = True
                                            If Not pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Exists(pvt_lng_ColumnNumber) Then
                                                 pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Add pvt_lng_ColumnNumber, "VAL"
                                            End If
                                       End If
                                  End If
                             Next pvt_lng_ColumnNumber
                        '# if a non-blank cell was encountered for the selected row, the row is considered valid
                        '# and the tow number is added to the valid row dictionary object - if not a message
                        '# is displayed to the user stating that the row is skipped
                             If pvt_flg_ValidRow Then
                                  pvt_dct_ValidRow.Add pvt_lng_RowNumber, vbNullString
                                  MsgBox "Row number " & pvt_lng_RowNumber & " is skipped as all cells are empty"
                             End If
                        Next pvt_lng_RowNumber
                   Next pvt_lng_AreaNumber
              End With
         '# if no valid data rows were encountered during the previous step, the valid row collection
         '# only holds the two entries (i.e. the header rows 4 and 5) - inform the user and exit the routine
              If pvt_dct_ValidRow.Count = 2 Then
                   MsgBox "No valid rows selected, no new workbook created"
                   Exit Sub
              End If
         '# the dictionary objects now hold all valid columns and all valid rows that should be included in the
         '# copy workbook - create the new workbook and copy the data
              Set pvt_wbk_New = Application.Workbooks.Add
              pvt_lng_TargetRow = 0
              With pvt_xls_Current
                   For pvt_int_RowElement = 0 To (pvt_dct_ValidRow.Count - 1)
                        pvt_lng_RowNumber = pvt_dct_ValidRow.Keys(pvt_int_RowElement)
                        pvt_lng_TargetRow = pvt_lng_TargetRow + 1
                        pvt_lng_TargetColumn = 0
                        For pvt_int_ColumnElement = 0 To (pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Count - 1)
                             pvt_lng_TargetColumn = pvt_lng_TargetColumn + 1
                             pvt_wbk_New.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(pvt_lng_TargetRow, pvt_lng_TargetColumn).Value = _
                                       .Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_dct_ValidColumn.Keys(pvt_int_ColumnElement)).Value
                        Next pvt_int_ColumnElement
                   Next pvt_int_RowElement
              End With
         '# set all columns in the new workbook to autofit and activate the new workbook
              With pvt_wbk_New
              End With
    End Sub

  12. #12
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Hi Olaf, thank you so much again for taking time to help me. With both versions I get run-time error 13: Type Mismatch and this is the line of code that seems to cause the problem. I have added the microsoft scripting run time reference to the module. I will check online now to see what could cause this.

    If LenB(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value) > 0 Then

  13. #13
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi


    Strange, the code works fine on some sample data that I have compiled myself. Are you sure about the line number in error? Can you see (by hovering your cursor over the variables) what the values are at the moment of the error?

    or replace the line with

    If .Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value <> "" Then
    Not as nice, but maybe less sensitive to problems in case for formula errors and so on
    Last edited by OllieB; 01-04-2013 at 05:29 AM.

  14. #14
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    pvt_lng_RowNumber: 6, 
    pvt_lng_ColumnNumber: 215
    When I replace it with the line of code you just gave me it remains highlighted in yellow with the same values as mentioned here!

  15. #15
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi


    Never mind, it is probably a formula result error or someting

    Change the line to:

    If Cstr$(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, pvt_lng_ColumnNumber).Value) <> "" Then
    and it should work fine

  16. #16
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Ok, getting to the cause of the problem

    can you have a look at the contents of row 6 in column HG?

  17. #17
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Ah, I understand now!
    So the content of the cell is a vlookup formula that was giving me an N/A error. When the formula works and it is populated with a value rather than n/a, the macro works to perfection. Once again perfect job, and thanks improving my understanding of vba! We're all set! Thank you so much!

  18. #18
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Your absolutely right, by replacing, it works also with the error message! It was indeed a formula result error

  19. #19
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Customize code for a macro that copies three rows to a new workbook based on a conditi

    Glad to have been of help. Remember to mark the thread as SOLVED and click the little star if you are happy with my contribution!

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