Hey everyone,

newbie, here. I know a little about VBA, but that consists only of a couple of lessons many years ago. I'm trying to learn it as I go, but what I want to do needs to be done soon, and I don't think I'll be able to figure it all out in the next day or so. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I have a master sheet of expenses for an individual (#, date, amount, comments)
I also have a template sheet for expense reports which calculates the total expense via a number of inputs.

Here's what I want to do, ideally, but if there are better ways to go about it, please let me know.

1. The user double clicks a cell (all the cells in the "Amount" column initially say "click to generate report")
2. A dialog box opens prompting the user to enter the date. User enters it and presses "ok"
3. That date is written in the cell to the left of it (in Date column)
4. Excel opens the expense report template e.g. "expense[mmddyy].xls"
5. Excel then saves it as "expense[mmddyy].xls", where the date is actually now in the filename (or some other unique ID factor, it doesnt really matter)- the most awesome way would be if it took the person's name from the cell in the master list that has the persons name, and then saves the expense report as "expense_Lastname_Firstname_MMDDYY.xls" etc
6. Excel then edits the cell that the user initially clicked on to have it link to a cell in the newly generated expense report file (The cell that calculates the total amount).
7. Both files are saved

So then, the user would fill out the details in the expense report and the total amount is also shown in the master list.

ANY help is appreciated!
