Hi there!

This is my first post on this forum and i am not from the US so please have som understanding with misspelling and those kind of things. I use excel 2010 in my first language (swedish) so maybe i dont know the correct excel term in english but i hope i will make myself understood.

To my problem: I have two workbooks, one where there are some calulations and one where i put all the data together and present them via a pivot table. From the calculation workbook users mark the range that needs to be marked, the number of columns are always the same but the number of rows will be different each time. Then they copy that range and open the other workbook, lets call it table workbook. Then they paste the values on the frist empty row under the exceldefined table, you know where the rows automatically gets different background colors and autofilters on top of each column. I want them to add data to that table because i use it as data source to a pivot table. I want to make it impossible for the users to paste the data wrong. If they try to put the marker in another cell and paste the range in to another cell then the first free one in column A i want some kind of message to occur like: "Hey!! You must paste the data in the frist empty cell in column A, got damn!"

I really hope i made myself understood and that some of you gurus can help me!