I've had great success getting help here before and I hope this time is no different!

I'm working with a spreadsheet handling conditional budgeting and I've run to an issue trying to get it to interact as I want. The result I want is as follows:

On a TITLE sheet a user enters a number into B22 that ideally serves three purposes:

First it unhides rows on the TITLE sheet that I have coded in this way:
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Second, I want columns on a number of other sheets in the work book to hide based on this number. I'm having issues due to my limited experience with VBA getting this to work. A user input of 1 into B22 hides K:S, 2 hides L:S, until 9 hides only S.

Third and finally, I want a B22 to unhide rows on a sheet titled PERSONNEL conditionally based on an input in G16 on the PERSONNEL sheet. Starting simply, if !TITLE$B$22 = 1 AND G16 = 1 unhide rows 20:22, if !TITLE$B$22 = 2 AND G16= 1 unhide rows 20:23 ... until !TITLE$B$22 = 9 & G16=1 and unhide rows 20:30. G16 also changes and when it does additional rows need to be revealed. So for !TITLE$B$22 = 1 AND G16 = 2 unhide rows 20:22 & 31:35... I'll attach a screenshot to attempt to make things more clear below:


$10 to amazon.com to anyone who can figure this out or helps me figure it out!