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Client account Spreadsheet - Compile error - to large to need shorten code

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  1. #1
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    Re: Client account Spreadsheet - Compile error - to large to need shorten code

    wow... it works nearlty perfect but still one problem.

    When it writes to the sheet after you input it needs to be the other way round. When it credits a sheet it actually needs to go into the sheet as a - and vice versa.. becasue the sheets themselves need to balance against the cashbook sheet if you know what i mean. Can we just change from + to - when it writes on the sheet for a property.. then its perfect

  2. #2
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    Re: Client account Spreadsheet - Compile error - to large to need shorten code

    Quote Originally Posted by spazem View Post
    When it writes to the sheet after you input it needs to be the other way round. When it credits a sheet it actually needs to go into the sheet as a - and vice versa.. becasue the sheets themselves need to balance against the cashbook sheet if you know what i mean. Can we just change from + to - when it writes on the sheet for a property.. then its perfect
    I'm still a bit in the dark as to the actual sheet format, but is this any closer?

    Sub Button2_Click()
    Worksheets("input").Unprotect Password:="nottherealpasswordwasjustquicker"
    Worksheets("cashbook").Unprotect Password:="nottherealpasswordwasjustquicker"
    Dim NewRow As Variant
    Dim TransNo As Integer
    Dim lRowLoop As Long
    Dim lSheet As Long
    Dim rngCellLoop As Range
    NewRow = Worksheets("input").Range("D12:BB12")
    For lRowLoop = LBound(NewRow, 1) To UBound(NewRow, 2)
      NewRow(1, lRowLoop) = NewRow(1, lRowLoop) + 1
    Next lRowLoop
    TransNo = Worksheets("input").Range("D13").Value + 1
    With Worksheets("cashbook")
      .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2)), 2).PasteSpecial xlValues, Transpose:=True
      .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2)), 8).Value = .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2)) - 1, 8).Value + .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2)), 6).Value - .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2)), 7).Value
      .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2)), 1).Value = Worksheets("input").Range("D13").Value
    End With
    lSheet = Worksheets("input").Range("B6").Value
    With Worksheets("P" & lSheet)
      .Unprotect Password:="nottherealpasswordwasjustquicker"
      .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2) + lSheet), 2).PasteSpecial xlValues, Transpose:=True
      For Each rngCellLoop In .Range(.Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2) + lSheet), 2), .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2) + lSheet), 8))
        rngCellLoop.Value = rngCellLoop.Value * -1
      Next rngCellLoop
      .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2) + lSheet), 8).Value = .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2) + lSheet) - 1, 8).Value + .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2) + lSheet), 6).Value - .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2) + lSheet), 7).Value
      .Cells(NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2) + lSheet), 1).Value = Worksheets("input").Range("D13").Value
      Worksheets("input").Range("D12").Offset(0, lSheet).Value = NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2) + lSheet)
      .Protect Password:="nottherealpasswordwasjustquicker"
    End With
    MsgBox "New Data added", vbOKOnly, "Test"
    Worksheets("input").Range("D12").Value = NewRow(1, LBound(NewRow, 2))
    Worksheets("input").Range("D13").Value = TransNo
    Worksheets("input").Protect Password:="nottherealpasswordwasjustquicker"
    Worksheets("cashbook").Protect Password:="nottherealpasswordwasjustquicker"
    End Sub

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