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Copy two cells in on workbook to another workbook based on two criteria, but more

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    Copy two cells in on workbook to another workbook based on two criteria, but more

    Hi Folks,

    I have two workbooks, one is “Client list for all FMP Workers” the other is “IM Client data new template”. When either workbook opens the other opens. These workbooks share information between them or are in the process of. In the “Client list for all FMP Workers” the first four worksheets (tabs) are named with workers names. These worksheets are all the same other than they have each workers client data in them.

    On these worksheets the “B”, “C”, “D” & “E” columns have the same name at the top of the column as the first four worksheets (tabs) of the “IM Client data new template” When a worker is entering their clients data into the next blank row on the their worksheet they will put a “1” into either the B,C,D or E column of the row then they continue entering the clients information. On some occasions the worker will then enter a “1” into the “R” column, when this happens I need the information copied from the “F1” cell on the worksheet into the next available cell in the “9” row of the worksheet in the “IM Client data new template” workbook on the corresponding worksheet (tab name) in other words if a “1”is entered in the “B” column then the information goes into the first tab of the “IM Client data new template” workbook. Or if a “1”is in the “C” column then it goes into the second tab onto the “9”row as above, and so on for the “C” column going to the third tab and the same for the “E” column to the fourth Tab. So the code needs to copy information from the “F1”cell into the next available cell on the “9”row of the other workbook it also needs to copy the information from the “A” column of the same row that the “1” was entered into and place it in the “7” row in the same column above the information in the same tab as above.

    Copy from two cells in on workbook to another workbook based on two criteria, but more to it.

    workbooks attached, if one of you great folk is able to help that would be great.
    Thanks, oldboots
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