I need my spreadsheet to perform the following:

-If today's date is later than the date in column E and there are no dates in columns F-J, Highlight the row orange until a date is filled in to either of those columns.

-If today's date is two or more days later than the date in column F and there is no date in column G-J, highlight the row light blue until a date is filled in to either of those columns.

-If today's date is later than the date in column G and there is no date in column H or J, highlight the row yellow until a date is filed in to column H or J.

I was able to figure out how to perform the first bullet using conditional formatting using the following:
=IF(ISBLANK($E157),"",(IF($E157<TODAY(), (AND(ISBLANK(F157),ISBLANK(G157),ISBLANK(H157),ISBLANK(I),ISBLANK(J157),(IF(ISBLANK($F157),"",(IF($F157<=TODAY()+2, (AND(ISBLANK(G157),ISBLANK(H157),ISBLANK(I157),ISBLANK(J157))))))))))))

I couldn't get any of the other rules to work and was told that I may have to use Macros. I have no experience creating Macros and have tried multiple avenues for help on the internet and within Excel.

I am hoping that someone will be able to help me in this forum.

Thanks in advance