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Removing Blanks not working

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Removing Blanks not working

    Good Morning,

    I have written a macro that pulls data from another workbook, formats the data and then removes 'blank' records into another worksheet. The remove blank code looks like this
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    LRlimit is a recordcount done previous, and the worksheet is correct.
    To sum this up easily, the code looks for records that are incomplete, copies the row to my 'dump' sheet and then delets the record from the main sheet.
    The problem that i am having, is that some records that contain blank cells are not being copied, and I can't figure out why. I have had an instance where the code has picked up one record, and left another that is pretty much identical. I have checked these cells and they do really contain nothing, not spaces,special chars or farmula so I can't figure out why it would not work

    Any help would be greatly appreciated


  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Office 365

    Re: Removing Blanks not working

    Assuming that this line is dump.Cells(i, 1)
    correct,Try this one

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    i = i + 1
    End If
    Next cell[/CODE]

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