Hello all,

Any help is appreciated. This may sound confusing, I'll try my best not to get to confusing!

I have a file (let's call it 'Master'), which contains one worksheet. In this worksheet, there is a table, with the following headings:

Reference, Title, Description, Division, Status, etc

The role of this file is to consolidate data from a range of different files. I want to populate the table, using data from a number of different worksheets. The structure of the folder is as such:

[Main folder]
[1.0 Division1]
[1.01 Title1.xlsx]
[1.02 Title2.xlsx]
[2.0 Division2]
[2.01 Title1.xlsx]
[2.02 Title2.xlsx]
[8.0 Division2]
[8.01 Title1.xlsx]
[8.02 Title2.xlsx]

There are a range of files in each divisional folder, and 8 eight folders in total. You may notice that the Reference and Title mentioned earlier form the name of each of the files.

The layout of these files is EXACTLY the same. Therefore, cell C7 in the first sheet of each file will contain the name of the Division, C11 will contain the Status, etc.

If I manually enter the name of the Reference and Title in the table in the Master file, is it possible for Excel to automatically search the folder for the name of the file, and pick out the relevant cell data from each?

The end result in the Master file should hopefully look like this:

Reference Title Description...

1.0 Win To win is to beat the other team

Did that make any sense?!?