I have a workbook that is designed to calculate pricing data based on certain aspects of a product. But it can only do one at a time, and it is largely manual. I was wondering if there was a way to use a macro to pull two values from each row of one workbook one, insert them into my calculation workbook, then return the calculated value to the first workbook. I cant upload the sheets but it would look something like this:

Workbook 1:

Stock # Width Repeat Chart #
12345 54 17 ** <--- Return Values Here*
54321 52 5 ** <--- Return Values Here*
23451 60 2.5 ** <--- Return Values Here*

Workbook 2:

Width _______
Repeat _______
Chart # ****** <--- Formulas in this cell calculate chart numbers based on above values*

So I would want the sub or function to take the width and repeat for each stock number from workbook 1, input it into workbook 2, then return the chart # to the appropriate row in workbook 1.