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Script to open, search, and insert the hyperlinked location file as a new sheet

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Script to open, search, and insert the hyperlinked location file as a new sheet

    To explain my situation, I have a few thousand files that give information on mechanical parts, of course they are located in separate files... Ex. Machine A file has tool # 1 2 3 4 5, machine B has tool # 6 7 8 9 10.

    I was wondering if it is possible for me to use a search box to input an exact part number, and have it search a directory of machine files such as A and B to find say tool # 6? (or if not I could always make a master sheet that has every tool # inside of it) After it is located I would like it to insert a copy of the file into a specified workbook as a new sheet that I may use as a template for repeated use.

    I thought it may be easier using multiple scripts attached to each type of file that call each other out, and not one single large script, not too sure though..

    Honestly it sounds like it could work in my head, but as a user who has just found that VB script is an amazing tool, I haven't had much experience with it, or even had a chance to learn much yet.


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    MS-Off Ver

    Re: Script to open, search, and insert the hyperlinked location file as a new sheet

    I wouldn't be looking for anyone to write this for me, but rather just let me know if it is possible to do and i'll fumble through on my own to figure it out.

    Otherwise if my thoughts aren't clear, please let me know and ill do the best I can.

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