
I am not sure how to call this but here is my issue. I have a sheet with raw data and a sheet with filtered data. On the filtered data sheet I created a drop down menu. The dropdown menu has several options, lets call them a, b, c, d and e. There is more than five options but this will serve for illustration purposes. If I select options c, d or e then the macro running on this sheet will insert a min and max cells into which I enter values via InputBox to autofilter by. This works fine. If, however, I select options a or b, my macro inserts a second drop down menu and activates the menu selection cell. All this works fine as I am able to use the second drop down menu. Here is the issue: how do I autofilter now based on what I select in the second drop down menu?

Can anyone suggest an approach and perhaps give me a sample? Thank you very much.