Hello Everyone,

We have written excel VBA code in Excel 2007, Code used to work well, it also used to work in Excel 2010 with out any issues, but when we started using Excel 2013, for the same code with out any modifications it started giving Type mismatch error.

below is the code where i am getting the error

We basically get the data from a dotnet component, calls are made from VBA code and it returns the data to VBA.

Dim l_procDetails As ProcedureDetails // ProcedureDetails is a userdefined type
l_result = g_formulationCls.GetProcedureDetails(procedurename, l_procDetails)
Dim params() As FormulationClassLibrary.Parameter
params = l_procDetails.Parameters // type mismatch error is coming here- This used to Work in 2007 and 2010 with out any issues.

dont know if there is any change in 2013,

Please let me know if any of you had faced any similar problem or have any solutions or suggestions.

There is no change done in the Dotnet component which returns the array to VBA