
My macro knowledge is limited. I'm hoping if I can explain what I need someone here may be able to write a simple macro instead of me spending hours trying to figure it out =).

In this spreadsheet I've built, I have the entire 1040 tax code & form + several schedules (A,C, SE, Social Security Tax, AMT etc.). It's all tied to other sheets in the workbook for a financial projection. Within this specific "tax" worksheet I have two scenarios, [Base] and [Optimized]. They are shown one row above the other for every input or referenced cell.

Line 1 Wages [Base]
Line 1 Wages [Optimized]
Line 2 Interest [Base]
Line 2 Interest [Optimized]

This continues for about 400 rows. I'm basically trying to hide/unhide every row for [Base] with the click/unclick of a button.

Does that make sense?

For a couple of other sheets within the workbook I went through and selected all the [Base] rows and named a range. Then I wrote this macro.

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()

If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True

Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False

End If

End Sub

It works fine but it seems like it's looping and slow. I tried to use the same thing for this "tax" sheet but for some reason when I'm selecting rows for the range it always just unselects everything after about row 173. Not sure if it's my mouse, I'm retarded or there's a max I can select for the range??? I even tried selecting everything then choosing to define a name but after I save and select the range it's now every line between 1 and 173, not just the ones I individually picked with [Base] thru line 442. Anyway I thought there might be a better way period.

Thanks! Let me know if there's anything I can do to provide a better picture.
