i'm looking for a code to do the following:

First i'll have a workbook called ACTIVATE with only one sheet (let's call it MENU)
In this sheet MENU on cell C5 i will write a number or anything
Then i need a macro (so i can execute it from this workbook ACTIVATION) that will do the following:
1. First, open a specific workbook called Product.xlsm which is in the same folder as the ACTIVATE.xlsm workbook;
2. Second go to this workbook sheet called FIRST (sheet) and unprotect this sheet with the password "1234"
3. Third, after unprotect the FIRST sheet, the macro should copy and past the value of the cell C5 from workbook ACTIVATE.xlsm into the cell E75 of FIRST sheet from Product.xlsm workbook.
4. After this, this macro should protect the sheet FIRST with the same password again "1234", save and close the workbook Product.xlsm.

Is this possible?
I think it is... i just dont know how to put it in code.

Can someone help please?

Thank you.