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VBA: 'pair matching' 2 closest match 2 companies from 2 datasets based on size, industry+

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    VBA: 'pair matching' 2 closest match 2 companies from 2 datasets based on size, industry+

    Hello coders and VBA gurus,

    now crossposted here: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...-industry.html (stated as rule ask to admit cross-posting) -reason due to no response and now on 4/5th page.

    Your help is much appreciated and urgently requested about the below.

    I have the following piece of code which did the job I want to do on another dataset. Unfortunately I do not have the original dataset.

    What I think this program is supposed to do roughly is:

    = Find the closest matching pair of companies from two datasets/worksheets
    = According to firstly SIZE (Asset)
    = Then INDUSTRY (as represented by the 'SIC' code)
    = Then other variables (as desired) - in my sample case the variables I want to match on are: a001000000(size); incd (industry code); roa mbr; dar in that order
    = So that you are left with a dataset with a sample of the firms from each of the two original datasets, in pairs, so that they are closely matched in terms of all but the separating variable that separates the two datasets (i.e. in the case below "Chinese" or "US")

    How can I implement the code provided to do as above but using my sample, for example?

    I include a sample of my own data. My problem is what do I need to change in the code (or my own dataset) in order to be able to run this program using my own dataset.

    Here is the code:

    Function distance(chi1, chi2, us1, us2)
        distance = 0.1 * Abs(us1 / chi1 - 1) + 0.9 * Abs(us2 / chi2 - 1)
    End Function
    Sub DAMatch() 'Asset+ROA 3 digits
    Dim i, j, k, l, m, t, Num As Integer
    Dim n As Integer
    n = 3
    Dim ind As String
    ReDim ChPrio(0, 0, 3) As Variant
    ReDim Chfirm(20, 0) As Variant
    ReDim Indfirm(20, 0) As Variant
    'We must rank the data by sic and cik first !!!!
    For i = 2 To 211
    ReDim Chfirm(20, 0) As Variant
    ReDim Indfirm(20, 0) As Variant
    ind = Left(Cells(i, 3), 2)
        Do While Left(Cells(i, 3), 2) = ind
                       ReDim Preserve Chfirm(20, UBound(Chfirm, 2) + 1)
                       For k = 1 To 20
                           Chfirm(k, UBound(Chfirm, 2)) = Cells(i, k)
                       Next k
                       i = i + 1
        i = i - 1
        j = 2 ' us firms
           Do While Left(Cells(j, 3), 2) <> ind And Cells(j, 3) <> "" 'find the first firm in this industry
                j = j + 1
               If Left(Cells(j, 3), 2) = ind Then
                    Do While Left(Cells(j, 3), 2) = ind
                        If Cells(j, 4) <> "" And Cells(j, 6) <> "" Then  'the distance can be calculated
                            ReDim Preserve Indfirm(20, UBound(Indfirm, 2) + 1)
                            For k = 1 To 20
                                Indfirm(k, UBound(Indfirm, 2)) = Cells(j, k)
                            Next k
                        End If
                        j = j + 1
               End If
     ReDim ChPrio(UBound(Chfirm, 2), UBound(Indfirm, 2), 3) As Variant
     For j = 1 To UBound(Chfirm, 2)
        ChPrio(j, 0, 1) = Chfirm(1, j) 'label of CHN firms
        If Chfirm(4, j) <> "" And Chfirm(6, j) <> "" Then 'distance can be calculated
            For k = 1 To UBound(Indfirm, 2)
                'If Indfirm(4, k) <> "" And Indfirm(6, k) <> "" Then
                    ChPrio(j, k, 1) = Indfirm(1, k)
                    ChPrio(j, k, 2) = distance(Chfirm(4, j), Chfirm(6, j), Indfirm(4, k), Indfirm(6, k))
                    ChPrio(j, k, 3) = k
                'End If
            Next k
        End If
     Next j
        For j = 1 To UBound(Chfirm, 2) 'rank the matching firms
            ReDim temp(1, 3) As Variant
            For k = 1 To UBound(ChPrio, 2) - 1 'mao pao
                                For m = k + 1 To UBound(ChPrio, 2)
                                    If ChPrio(j, m, 2) < ChPrio(j, k, 2) Then
                                      temp(1, 1) = ChPrio(j, k, 1)
                                      temp(1, 2) = ChPrio(j, k, 2)
                                      temp(1, 3) = ChPrio(j, k, 3)
                                      ChPrio(j, k, 1) = ChPrio(j, m, 1)
                                      ChPrio(j, k, 2) = ChPrio(j, m, 2)
                                      ChPrio(j, k, 3) = ChPrio(j, m, 3)
                                      ChPrio(j, m, 1) = temp(1, 1)
                                      ChPrio(j, m, 2) = temp(1, 2)
                                      ChPrio(j, m, 3) = temp(1, 3)
                                    End If
                                Next m
            Next k
        Next j
    ReDim Chtemp(UBound(Chfirm, 2), n, 3) As Variant
    ReDim Indtemp(UBound(Indfirm, 2), 3) As Variant
        If UBound(ChPrio, 2) > 0 Then 'If there are available us firms
               For j = 1 To UBound(Chfirm, 2)
                  If ChPrio(j, 1, 1) <> "" Then
                        For k = 1 To n 'initialize
                            For l = 1 To 3
                                Chtemp(j, k, l) = ""
                            Next l
                        Next k
                        m = 1 ' the number of matching firms
                        For k = 1 To UBound(Indfirm, 2)
                                    Num = ChPrio(j, k, 3)  'firm j's kth preference
                            If Indtemp(Num, 2) = "" Then 'available
                                Indtemp(Num, 1) = ChPrio(j, 0, 1)
                                Indtemp(Num, 2) = ChPrio(j, k, 2)
                                Indtemp(Num, 3) = j
                                Chtemp(j, m, 1) = ChPrio(j, k, 1)
                                Chtemp(j, m, 2) = ChPrio(j, k, 2)
                                Chtemp(j, m, 3) = ChPrio(j, k, 3)
                                m = m + 1
                            ElseIf ChPrio(j, k, 2) < Indtemp(Num, 2) And Indtemp(Num, 2) <> "" Then 'gain priority
                                t = Indtemp(Num, 3)
                                Indtemp(Num, 1) = ChPrio(j, 0, 1)
                                Indtemp(Num, 2) = ChPrio(j, k, 2)
                                Indtemp(Num, 3) = j
                                Chtemp(j, m, 1) = ChPrio(j, k, 1)
                                Chtemp(j, m, 2) = ChPrio(j, k, 2)
                                Chtemp(j, m, 3) = ChPrio(j, k, 3)
                                m = m + 1
                                If t < j Then 'jump back
                                    j = t - 1
                                    Exit For
                                End If
                             ElseIf ChPrio(j, k, 2) = Indtemp(Num, 2) And Indtemp(Num, 2) <> "" Then ' itself
                                Chtemp(j, m, 1) = ChPrio(j, k, 1)
                                Chtemp(j, m, 2) = ChPrio(j, k, 2)
                                Chtemp(j, m, 3) = ChPrio(j, k, 3)
                                m = m + 1
                            End If
                            If m > n Then Exit For 'the number is enough
                        Next k
                  End If
               Next j
                    For j = i - UBound(Chfirm, 2) + 1 To i 'out print
                        For k = 1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(n, UBound(Indfirm, 2))
                            If Chtemp(j - i + UBound(Chfirm, 2), k, 3) <> "" Then  'if there is a matching firm there
                                For t = 1 To 20
                                    Cells(j, 22 + 20 * (k - 1) + t) = Indfirm(t, Chtemp(j - i + UBound(Chfirm, 2), k, 3))
                                Next t
                            End If
                        Next k
                    Next j
        End If
    Next i
    End Sub
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    Last edited by samuk1000; 10-12-2013 at 12:16 PM. Reason: Add spreadsheet

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