Hi I have 2 userforms that call up a third userform via a command button in each form if certain criteria within each is met.

THe third userform can also be called up using a command button on the main worksheet.

WHen I call the third userform up via the 2 userforms I user userform1.hide or userform2.hide to hide the initial userform.

When I have completed the task in the third userform and click clear I need the following to happen:

1) if I called userform 3 from the worksheet I unload the sheet and return to worksheet,
2) if I called userform 3 from userform 1, I unhide userform 1 and unload userform 3
3) if I called userform 3 from userform 2, I unhide userform 1 and unload userform 3

Is there an if statement whereby I can state If userform 1 has been initialised but hidden then do.... etc etc.

Any help is meuch appreciated.