So to start I'm totally new to excel and VBA but I have some history with programming. I have a project for work where I need to display US state specific information. To give some more info I work in insurance where each state has some rules specific to them. I'm looking to create a spreadsheet with all 50 states and each state having about 40 variables specific to it i need to list. my end product: im looking to have a box(userform??) with a drop down (combobox?) where you can choose a state from the drop down, and within the box(userform maybe) it will display the variables pulled from the spreadsheet for that state organized as I choose. I could just list all the info in a spreadsheet but i have a screen size constraint and I'm trying to display as much info as possible taking up little screen space. I'm not looking for code hand outs but any advice you have for making this tool would be greatly appreciated.