Hi there.. I am having some trouble with an if statement that it is way to complicated for me..

I will link the xls file so that you can try it out, but i'll explain carefully here!
(xls file attached at the end)

What I want for each cell in H.
Sub testytest()
    For m = 5 To 2000
        If Range("H" & m).Value = "Pending:" Then
            ' NewNominal = sum value cell "I" and "I" cell above
            ' NewMarketValue = sum value "J" and "J" above
            ' replace cell "I" value above with NewNominal
            ' replace cell "J" value above with NewMarketValue
            ' Delete Pending Row
        End If
End Sub
So for example H6 will first be noticed by if, then I want it to sum I5 and I6 as "NewNominal" and sum J5 and J6 as "NewMarketValue"
then replace I5 with "NewNominal" and J5 with "NewMarketValue". Then Delete the row pending(Row6), then move to the next "Pending:" Value!

Anyone that can kick meo ff or maybe complete a code for it?

Regards, C

XLS FILE ATTATCHED: Copy of PoolAccountPending.xls