
Thanks for taking a look at my problem.

I have a workbook which I want to save as and the name of the workbook is in a cell with a name reference (i.e. My_File_Name_And_Path)

First I tried the following which works just fine:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Pinnacle-CG\Clients 7-2009\Tugu Mandiri\Model\FPOF\Book2.xlsm"
In My_File_Name_And_Path I have entetred:

C:\Pinnacle-CG\Clients 7-2009\Tugu Mandiri\Model\FPOF\Book2.xlsm

I next tried the following which does not work:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Range([My_File_And_Path_Name])
Is it possible to make this work?

Thanks and regards JV