This isn't as straight forward as the title inplies.

I know how to set code to colour a certain set of text, however I have a document that upon selecting the event/command button a merged range (D2:S32 is created and multiple lines of text are created within. Some are words to be spoken by the user and some and directions for the user to carry out.

it uses .value = "Text" with & vbNewLine & _ to create new lines. I thought there may be a way of defining the text section by section but the last line just overwrites all the text and turns it the colour requested.

I would like to change directions (middle lines with (If) to red i.e. below

“Is there anything further that I can assist you with today?”

(If)“Yes” then answer as appropriate.

(If)“No” then terminate call as follows:

“Thank you very much for calling us today. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.”

Any ideas?