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Sub Causes Excel to Crash

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  1. #1
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    Question Sub Causes Excel to Crash

    I have a series of modules, each with one sub. At the end of one sub, it will call the next to start. I am having a problem with one specific sub in the middle, but I can't figure out why. Everytime it gets to this specific sub, Excel crashes and brings up a window that says, "Microsoft Office Excel is trying to recover your information..." This happens everytime, and the macro never completes. I didnt write the sub any different than the others, yet it is still the only one that fails. Any ideas on common things that may cause this to happen?

    All suggestions are welcome.

    Thanks for looking!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Sub Causes Excel to Crash

    I suspect that you might just need to give us a little more information ... like the code.

    It's a bit like walking into a garage and saying your car breaks down but only at a certain time of the day and/or on a particular route. No car, no diagnosis.

    Regards, TMS
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  3. #3
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    Re: Sub Causes Excel to Crash

    Thanks for your response. So a previous sub copies a table into the "REPORT" worksheet on this workbook. I then use the match function to identify columns within this table. I also add helper columns. After the helper columns are added, I then filter the table as needed. Columns are then copied over to a seperate worksheet within the workbook, which creates a report. I have various other subs like this one that create other reports within the workbook, but this is the only one that is causing Excel to crash.

    Option Explicit
    Dim LR As Long
    Dim lClientID As Long
    Dim lLoanNumber As Long
    Dim lFHLMC As Long
    Dim lInvestor As Long
    Dim lSupervisor As Long
    Dim lRM As Long
    Dim lStatus As Long
    Dim rngData As Range
    Dim lTemplateCreation As Long
    Dim lTemplateAge As Long
    Dim lWorkbasket As Long
    Dim lSubstatus As Long
    'Call variables
    Dim lLMIBB As Long
    Dim lLMIBO As Long
    Dim lWSPOK As Long
    Dim lIUPAC As Long
    Dim lIUPDC As Long
    Dim l1SPOK As Long
    Dim l1NOCN As Long
    Dim lWNOCN As Long
    'Helper Columns
    Dim cLastCall As Long
    Dim cLastCallDays As Long
    Dim cAfterTemplate As Long
    Sub Last_Call_Pre()
    'Assigning Variables
    With Worksheets("REPORT").Activate
        lClientID = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("PARTITIONCD", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lLoanNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("LOAN_NUMBER", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lFHLMC = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("FHLMC_T", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lInvestor = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("INVESTOR_TYPE", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lSupervisor = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("DW_ASSIGNEDRM_EMP_MGR", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lRM = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("DW_ASSIGNEDRM_EMP_NAME", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lStatus = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("LOSS_MIT_STATUS_CODE", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lTemplateCreation = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("LOSS_MIT_SET_UP_DATE", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lTemplateAge = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("TEMPLATE_AGE", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lWorkbasket = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("WORKBASKET", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lSubstatus = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("SUBSTATUS", Range("1:1"), 0)
    'Call Variables
        lLMIBB = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("LMIBB", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lLMIBO = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("LMIBO", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lWSPOK = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("WSPOK", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lIUPAC = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("IUPAC", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lIUPDC = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("IUPDC", Range("1:1"), 0)
        l1SPOK = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("1SPOK", Range("1:1"), 0)
        l1NOCN = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("1NOCN", Range("1:1"), 0)
        lWNOCN = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("WNOCN", Range("1:1"), 0)
    'Helper Column Variables
        cLastCall = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(, 1).Column
        cLastCallDays = Cells(1, cLastCall).Offset(, 1).Column
        cAfterTemplate = Cells(1, cLastCallDays).Offset(, 1).Column
        LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        Set rngData = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    'Max Last Call 
        With Range(Cells(2, cLastCall), Cells(LR, cLastCall))
                .FormulaR1C1 = "=MAX(RC" & lLMIBB & ", RC" & lLMIBO & ", RC" & lWSPOK & ", RC" & lIUPAC & _
                ", RC" & lIUPDC & ", RC" & l1SPOK & ", RC" & l1NOCN & ", RC" & lWNOCN & ")"
        End With
    'Aging Since Last Call
        With Range(Cells(2, cLastCallDays), Cells(LR, cLastCallDays))
                .FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC" & cLastCall & " ="""", """", Today()- RC" & cLastCall & ")"
                .NumberFormat = "0"
                .Value = .Value
        End With
    'Equation that MAX call > template creation
        With Range(Cells(2, cAfterTemplate), Cells(LR, cAfterTemplate))
            .FormulaR1C1 = "=AND(RC" & cLastCall & " < RC" & lTemplateCreation & ")"
        End With
    End With
    With Worksheets("REPORT")
        rngData.AutoFilter Field:=lStatus, Criteria1:="A"
        rngData.AutoFilter Field:=cAfterTemplate, Criteria1:="FALSE"
        rngData.AutoFilter Field:=lWorkbasket, Criteria1:=Array("CustomerContact", "DocChasing", "QA", "PlanBreak"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
        rngData.AutoFilter Field:=lSubstatus, Criteria1:="<>" & "Confirmation of Denial"
        rngData.AutoFilter Field:=cLastCall, Criteria1:="<" & Date - 2
    'Client ID
        LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, lClientID).End(xlUp).Row
        If LR > 1 Then
            .Range(.Cells(2, lClientID), .Cells(LR, lClientID)).Copy _
                    Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Range("A3")
        End If
    'Loan Number
        LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, lLoanNumber).End(xlUp).Row
        If LR > 1 Then
            .Range(.Cells(2, lLoanNumber), .Cells(LR, lLoanNumber)).Copy _
                    Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Range("B3")
        End If
        LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, lFHLMC).End(xlUp).Row
        If LR > 1 Then
            .Range(.Cells(2, lFHLMC), .Cells(LR, lFHLMC)).Copy _
                    Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Range("C3")
        End If
        LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, lInvestor).End(xlUp).Row
        If LR > 1 Then
            .Range(.Cells(2, lInvestor), .Cells(LR, lInvestor)).Copy _
                    Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Range("D3")
        End If
        LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, lSupervisor).End(xlUp).Row
        If LR > 1 Then
            .Range(.Cells(2, lSupervisor), .Cells(LR, lSupervisor)).Copy _
                    Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Range("E3")
        End If
        LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, lRM).End(xlUp).Row
        If LR > 1 Then
            .Range(.Cells(2, lRM), .Cells(LR, lRM)).Copy _
                    Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Range("F3")
        End If
        LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, lWorkbasket).End(xlUp).Row
        If LR > 1 Then
            .Range(.Cells(2, lWorkbasket), .Cells(LR, lWorkbasket)).Copy _
                    Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Range("G3")
        End If
        LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, lSubstatus).End(xlUp).Row
        If LR > 1 Then
            .Range(.Cells(2, lSubstatus), .Cells(LR, lSubstatus)).Copy _
                    Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Range("H3")
        End If
    'Days Since Last Call
        LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, cLastCallDays).End(xlUp).Row
        If LR > 1 Then
            .Range(.Cells(2, cLastCallDays), .Cells(LR, cLastCallDays)).Copy _
                    Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Range("I3")
        End If
    End With
    'Delete extra column and Clears filter on REPORT
    With Worksheets("REPORT")
    End With
        Sheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)").Select
    'Range Filldowns
        With Worksheets("Last Call (Pre Dec)")
            'Last Call Aging Range
            With .Range("J3", Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(, 1))
                .FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-1] < 6, ""1-5 Days"", If(AND(RC[-1] >=6, RC[-1] <=10), ""6-10 Days"", ""> 10 Days""))"
                .Value = .Value
            End With
        End With
    Call Last_Call_Post
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor john55's Avatar
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    Re: Sub Causes Excel to Crash

    it's easier to rcv help if you upload a test file having some of your subs, such as msgbox instead of yr code, but that sub which crashes excel...perhaps you can create the erorr
    Last edited by john55; 12-04-2013 at 12:41 PM. Reason: OP has posted code
    Regards, John55
    If you have issues with Code I've provided, I appreciate your feedback.
    In the event Code provided resolves your issue, please mark your Thread as SOLVED.
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    ...enjoy -funny parrots-

  5. #5
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    Re: Sub Causes Excel to Crash

    So after stepping through one line at a time, it seems to be crashing at this line every time:

        lWorkbasket = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("WORKBASKET", Range("1:1"), 0)
    It's weird because if I drag the prompt to skip over it, then it doesnt crash. If i remove the line, it still crashes at that same spot... i dont get it. Does this help anyone understand what may be occurring?

  6. #6
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Sub Causes Excel to Crash

    If you get an error at that point, it probably means that it isn't finding the thing that it's trying to match. In this case, the text "WORKBASKET". That probably means that whatever is on the worksheet isn't exactly the same as what you're looking for ... maybe a trailing space.

    You could check and fix the data or put an * on the end of the text you are searching for to wildcard it.

    If it's not that, please don't ask the question again without posting a sample workbook that demonstrates the problem.

    Regards, TMS

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