Hi I keep getting a strange error and would appreciate advice. Whilst creating a Class I receive an 'Ambiguous Name Detected' Error and IO cannot fathom why it is occurring. In the following code snippet if I comment out the top line (Private MyRepType as Long) all is fine - if I compile as is then I receive the error. The only place in the Project that MyRepType appears is in the Class and MyRepType is the only error detected. Does anyone have an explanation?

Private MyRepType As Long
Public Property Get MyRepType() As Long
MyRepType = mlngRptType
End Property

Public Property Let MyRepType(ByVal lngRptType As Long)
mlngRptType = lngReportType
End Property

Private ReportTitle As String
Public Property Get ReportTitle() As String

Dim varRet As Variant
varRet = Me.GetTitle
ReportTitle = varRet

End Property
Public Property Let ReportTitle(strRptTitle As String)
ReportTitle = strRptTitle
End Property