I've just obtained this addon but it's not working in the sense that it won't log in to the website it was meant to. In the VBA the data goes like this:

Sub logIntoCapsim(control As Object)
Dim x As Integer
Dim a As New agent
a.visible = True
a.openpage "http://www.capsim.com/business-simulations/homepage.cfm", True

a.document.all("userID").Value = "JoseSuarez"
a.document.all("userPassword").Value = "XXXXXX"


a.openpage "http://www.capsim.com/cgi-bin/displayReport.cfm?Report=CapCourier#frontpage", True
a.importPage "Capsim Courier"
End Sub

It goes as far as inputting my user name and password but almost instantly the window displays:
"Your session has expired due to inactivity, please log in again" The window is opening with explorer, perhaps if I use Firefox?

Is there something wrong with the VBA?
How can I switch from IE to Firefox?

This stuff is way over my head please help me!

I didn't display the password for obvious reasons.