I want a formula to automatically update itself when a new row is added - can this be done?

Everyday I add another number to my list, i.e. a new "ROW".

My forumla perimeters is to look back 10 past "ROW" entries (including the last entry).

The formula I'm using is: =IF(OR(A281>=2,A290<=2),"YES","NO"))

Daily, I have to re-enter the newly added "ROW" for updating. Example: Instead of A281 to A290 it would become A282 to A291...

Now, I know I could place the formula in the formula bar for a new column and it would track down...I really don't want to do that.

I simply what the formula perimeters to automatically move down my list .

I feel there has to be an easy solution...I'm getting tried of re-entering new ROW numbers to keep my formula up-to-date...help!

Ahead of time...thanks for your time,