I am trying to copy the contents of a shopping basket from a website into an excel spreadsheet. The problem is what appears to be one line of text on the website pastes as 2 rows in Excel - so for example I copy something like this:

Robin Adnan Anders - Ornaiyo £0.30

But in Excel I get

1) Robin Adnan Anders - Ornaiyo
2) £0.30

I have tried different paste options but it always pastes as 2 rows and not one row with two columns as I would like. I want the item/name in one column and then the price in the second column so I can change the order from high to low when I have imported all the data.

I should say I will importing many lines of data not just single lines so when I try several lines of text it will always put the price in a row underneath the description. I read something about using "text to columns" but could not work it out. Also I read about "transpose" as well and I read it should be availbale when you right click and choose paste special but it wasn't there when I tried that.

If anyone could walk me through how to achieve this copy and paste request I would be very grateful.

I am using Excel for Mac 2008